- Özbey H Notes from the underforeskin – Comment on “Technical nuances of the concealed penis”. J Pediatr Urol 2024 (in press)
- Özbey H Comment on “The effect of preoperative hormonal stimulation on the urethral plate:A histologic and histochemical study”: Which hormone, which plate, which reduction? J Pediatr Urol 2024 (in press)
- Özbey H Correspondence to the editorial comment for “Surgical and functional outcomes of Dorsal Inlay Graft urethroplasty in revision vs primary hypospadias repair in the pediatric age”. J Pediatr Urology 2024 (PDF)
- Özbey H Change the game, not the players. J Pediatr Urology 2024 (PDF)
- Özbey H The Glanular-Frenular Collar (GFC) technique: dual approach to hypospadias reconstruction. J Pediatr Urology 2024 (PDF)
- Özbey H Satisfaction/happiness after hypospadias repair and penile beauty – comment on “Should we correct hypospadias during childhood? Decision Regret And QUality of Life Assessment (DRAQULA) Study”. J Pediatr Urology 2024 (PDF)
- Özbey H, Devecioğlu D. So the story goes! – Comment on “Correction of Hidden Penis During Gomco Clamp Circumcision in the Office” J Pediatr Urol 2023 (PDF)
- Özbey H All hypospadias repairs should include shaping of a navicular fossa – Correspondence to “Technical Aspects of the Koff Procedure (Urethral Mobilization) In Anterior Hypospadias”J Pediatr Urol 2023 (PDF)
Özbey H Letter to editor regarding “The natural (non-invasive) erection test: Is it a reliable alternative to the artificial erection test? J Pediatr Urol 2023;19:710 (PDF)
Devecioğlu D, Özbey H Challenging God in Office – Letter to editor regarding “Gomco Circumcision in the Office in patients heavier than 5.5 Kg and/or older than 3 months”. J Pediatr Urol 2023;19:802-3 (PDF)
- Özbey H If you ignore it, it doesn’t exist for you. J Pediatr Urol 2023;19:823-4) (PDF)
- Özbey H Correspondence to the comment on “Symptomatic corpus spongiosum defect in adolescents and young adults who underwent distal hypospadias repair during childhood. J Pediatr Urol 2023;19:504-505
- Özbey H Letter to editor: Further misconceptions in glans penis anatomy and hypospadias surgery. J Pediatr Urol 2023;19:391-393
- Özbey H Letter to editor: Surgical process variables for the classification of hypospadias. J Pediatr Urol 2023;19:284-285 (PDF) Response by the Western Pediatric Urology Consortium..
- Özbey H, Morozov DA. Inverted Meckel’s diverticulum in a 13-year-old boy. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (JPGN) 2023;77(2):e48
- Özbey H, Anand S. Letter to Editor: Utility of genetic work-up for 46,XY patients with severe hypospadias. J Pediatr Urol 2022;19:272-274) (PDF) (response by Dr L Baskin and the article by Baskin et al.)
- Morozov D, …Özbey H, et al. Effects of extensive mobilization and tension anastomosis in anorectal reconstruction (experimental study). Pediatr Surg Int 2023;39:10 (PDF)
- Özbey H Classification and surgical treatment of penile duplication and ethics. J Pediatr Urol 2022 (PDF)
- Anand S, Özbey H, Sharma S. Looking beyond the dartos fascia and tunica vaginalis: reviewing the stance of common adjuvant covering biomaterials in hypospadiology. Am J Clin Exp Urol 2022 ;10(2):111-118 (PDF)
- Özbey H Hypospadias surgery and translational medicine. J Pediatr Urol. 2022 Mar 1:S1477-5131(22)00079-1. (PDF)
- Anand S, Özbey H. Commentary on “Spongiosum combined glanuloplasty reduces glans complications after proximal hypospadias repair”. Asian J Androl 24: 1-1 2022 (PDF)
- Özbey H, Morozov D, Morozov DA. Abdominal pain as the presentation of imperforate hymen in a teenage girl. Pediatr Int. 2022 Jan;64(1):e15168 (PDF)
- Anand S, Özbey H. Deepithelized glans reconfiguration: A kaleidoscopic view considering the protopathic sensibility of the glans penis. J Pediatr Urol 16:s1477-5131, 2021 (PDF)
- Özbey H The anatomy of the child’s glans may be obscured by the foreskin, but not that of the surgeon.J Pediatr Urol. 2021 Nov 24:S1477-5131(21)00534-9 (PDF)
- Özbey H Configuration of the glans and size of the urethral meatus. J Pediatr Urol. 2022 Feb;18(1):86-87 (PDF)
- Özbey H Dorsal penile curvature with megameatus intact prepuce hypospadias and “septum glandis” deficiency. J Pediatr Urology, 17:602, 2021 (PDF)
- Özbey H, Morozov D. Hypospadias surgery, erectile dysfunction and the distal ligament. J Pediatr Urol, 17:592-593, 2021 (PDF)
- Özbey H, Ayryan E, Staroverov O, Morozov D. Anatomical Modeling of the Foreskin for the Reconstruction of Glanular Hypospadias. J Pediatr Urol 29:S1477-5131(21)00145-5, 2021 (PDF)
- Özbey H Anal canal duplication in a 12 year old girl. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 72;p21, 2021 (PDF)
- Özbey H, Morozov K, Ayrapetyan M, Morozov D. Newborn with interlabial cystic mass. Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health 57:962, 2021
- Özbey H Providing a fossa navicularis in reconstruction of hypospadias. Urology 149:267-268, 2021 (PDF)
- Özbey H, Devecioğlu D, Staroverov O. A closer look at iatrogenic hypospadias. Andrologia 53:.e13803, 2020 (PDF)
- Özbey H Comment on “The GUD technique: Glandular urethral disassembly for distal hypospadias repair”. J Pediatr Urol 16:735-736, 202 (PDF)
- Özbey H The facts and misconceptions in hypospadias surgery. J Pediatr Urol 16;408-409, 2020 (PDF)
- Özbey H The facts and misconceptions in glans penis anatomy. Differentiation 113;27, 2020 (PDF) (Cunha GR, Baskin L. Comments on Professor Hüseyin Özbey’s letter. Differentiation 113;26, 2020) (PDF)
- Özbey H, Arlı OT. “Fossa navicularis” and “septum glandis”: A “flow control chamber” for the male urethra? Medical Hypotheses 140:109642, 2020 (PDF)
- Özbey H Anatomical relationship between the foreskin and the urethra. J Pediatr Urol 15:589-590, 2019 (PDF)
- Özbey H The mystery of Jacob Henle’s “septum glandis”. Journal of Anatomy 234:728-729, 2019 (PDF)
- Özbey H Response to the comment on “Hypospadias repair with the glanular-frenular collar (GFC) technique. J Pediatr Urol 14:304-305, 2018 (PDF)
- Özbey H Re. “Pre-incision urethral plate width does not impact short-term tubularized incised plate urethroplasty outcomes”. J Pediatr Urol 14:200-201, 2018 (PDF)
- Özbey H, Kumbasar A. Glans wings are separated ventrally by the septum glandis and frenulum penis: MRI documentation and surgical implications. Turk J Urol 43:525-529, 2017 (PDF)
- Özbey H, Etker Ş. Hypospadias repair with the glanular-frenular collar (GFC) technique. J Pediatr Urol 13:34.e1-34.e6, 2017 (PDF)
- Özbey H Consequences of extensive glanular dissection. J Pediatr Urol 13:227-228, 2017 (PDF)
- Özbey H, Etker Ş. Disorders of sexual development in a cultural context. Arab J Urol 10.1016/j.aju.2012.12.003 (PDF)
- Özbey H, Ratschek M, Höllwarth ME. Cervicomediastinal thymic cyst. Surgery Today 35:1070-1072, 2005
- Özbey H Use of a sterile adhesive film and polypropylene mesh in construction of a temporary silo in treatment of omphalocele. Surgery Today 35:700-2, 2005
- Tireli GA, Özbey H, Salman T. Neutropenic enteropathy. Indian Pediatr 42:279-81, 2005
- Özbey H, Darendeliler F, Kayserili H, Korkmazlar Ü, Salman T. Gender assignment in female congenital adrenal hyperplasia: a difficult experience. BJU Int 94:388-91,2004
- Tireli GA, Özbey H, Temiz A, et al. Bronchogenic cyst: a rare congenital cystic malformation of the lung. Surg Today 34:573- 6.,2004
- Özbey H, Tireli GA, Salman T. Abdominal tuberculosis in children. E J Pediatr Surg 13:116-119, 2003
- Tireli GA, Salman T, Özbey H, et al. The effect of pentoxyphylline on intestinal anastomosis after ischemia reperfusion injury. Pediatr Surg Int 19:88-90, 2003
- Höllwarth ME, Schimpl G, Pabst AM, Özbey H, Linni K, Takahashi S, Feierl G, Ratschek M. Intestinal bacterial translocation. The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, 36:68-76, 2000
- Özbey H, Temiz A, Salman T. Point of technique: A simple method for measurement of penile length in newborns and infants. BJU Int 84:1093, 1999
- Schimpl G, Pabst MA, Feierl G, Kues A, Özbey H, Takahashi S, Höllwarth ME. A Tungsten-supplemented diet attenuates bacterial translocation in chronic portal hypertensive and cholestatic rats-role of xanthine dehydrogenase and xanthine oxidase. Gut 45:904, 1999
- Schimpl G, Feierl G, Linni K, Uitz C, Özbey H, Höllwarth ME. Bacterial translocation in short bowel syndrome in rats. Eur J Pediatr Surg 9:224, 1999
- Özbey H, Ratschek M, Schimpl G, Höllwarth ME. Ovary in hernia sac: prolapsed or a descended gonad? J Pediatr Surg 34: 977, 1999
- Özbey H, Salman T, Çelik A. Primary torsion of the omentum in a 6-year- old boy. Surg Today 29: 568, 1999
- Özbey H, Salman T. Gastric volvulus in 6-year-old girl. Eur J Pediatr 157: 951, 1998
- Özbey H, Özbey N, Tunnessen W. Leprechaunism. Arch Ped Adoles Med 152: 1031, 1998
- Özbey H. Gender assessment in female congenital adrenal hyperplasia. BJU Int 81:180, 1998 (correspondence)
- Ünüvar E, Oğuz F, Şahin K, Nayır A, Özbey H, Sıdal M. Coexistence ofVATER association and recurrent urolithiasis: a case report. Pediatr Nephrol 12:141, 1998
- Özbey H, Özbey N. correspondence to “Immediate reconstruction for penile agenesis”. J Pediatr Surg 32:938 1997 and J Pediatr Surg 33:809,1998 (published twice!)
- Özbey H, Özbey N. Association of ambiguous genitalia with VATER anomalies. Pediatr Surg Int 12: 230, 1997 (letter)
- Özbey H, Boneval C, Aksöyek S, et al. Wilms’ tumor andassociated malformations. Report of two cases with WAGR and Drash syndrome. Eur J Pediatr Surg 6:186, 1996
- Özbey H. Crossed intraabdominal “gonadal” ectopia? Pediatr Surg Int11:436, 1996 (letter)
- Özbey H, Boneval C, Alkaç Ü, et al. The effect of polycythemic hyperviscosity on ischemic bowel necrosis.Pediatr Surg Int 11:547, 1996
2009-current not included!
- Temiz A, Salman T, Kapran Y, Gürler N, Özbey H, Çelik A Deneyselyenidoğan nekrotizan enterokolit modelinde stabil prostasiklin analogu olan “iloprost”un etkisi Çocuk Cerrahisi Dergisi 23: 52-57, 2009
- Tireli GA, İşler S, Özbey H, Okan F, Salman T: Doğumsal santral alveolarhipoventilasyon sendromuna eşlik eden Hirschsprung hastalığı. Pediatrik Cerrahi Dergisi 14: 89-90, 2000
- Tireli GA, Özbey H, Eryılmaz E, Bilgiç B, Salman T: Opsoklonus- myoklonus-ataksi sendromunun eşlik ettiği iki nöroblastom olgusu.Pediatrik Cerrahi Dergisi 14: 91-92, 2000
- Aksöyek S, Tireli GA, Boneval C, Özbey H, Salman T, Çelik A: Kolonikpoş anomalisi: Olgu sunumu. Pediatrik Cerrahi Dergisi 14:31-34, 2000
- Tireli GA, Boneval C, Mirapoğlu S, Özbey H, Salman T, Çelik A: Omurgakapanmal eksikliklerinde cerrahi girişimler:16 yıllık deneyim. Pediatrik Cerrahi Dergisi 14:25-27, 2000
- Tireli GA, Özbey H, Kılıçaslan I, Lawrenz K, Salman T: Cystic partiallydifferentiated nephroblastoma: report of two cases with a brief review. Med Bull Istanbul 33:94, 2000
- Gün F, Aksöyek S, Özbey H, Temiz A, Salman T: Yabanci cisme bagli Meckel Divertikülü Perforasyonu: Olgu Sunumu. Mersin Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi Dergisi,2:188-190,2000
- Özbey H, Salman T, Avlan D, Aksöyek S, Çelik A: Surgical lesions of the ovary in children. Med Bull Istanbul 32:162, 1999
- Özbey H, G Schimpl: Down’s syndrome and Hirschsprung’s disease andother coexisting associations. Med Bull Istanbul 32:97, 1999
- Özbey H, Salman T, Boneval C, Aksöyek S, Çelik A: Yenidoğan ve sütçocuklarında periferik iskemi. İst Tıp Fak Mecmuası 61:4, 1998
- Özbey H, Tunacı M, Gün F, Salman T: Neonatal hidrokolpos. BilgisayarlıTomografi Bülteni 5: 57, 1998
- Özbey H, T Salman, I Kılıçaslan, H Günöz, A Çelik: Heterotopik perinealintestinal mukoza. Türk Patoloji Dergisi 14: 30, 1998
- Boneval C, Aksöyek S, Özbey H, Avlan D, Salman T, Çelik A: Stoma closure in childhood: review of 140 cases. Med Bull Istanbul 31: 77, 1998
- Özbey H, Bilgiç B, Dimopulo O, Salman T, Çelik A: Inflammatory pseudotumor in children. Med Bull Istanbul 31: 95, 1998
- Özbey H, Salman T, Boneval C, Aksöyek S, Çelik A: Segmental dilatation of the ileum and intestinal malrotation. Pediatrik Cerrahi Dergisi 11: 80, 1997
- Erbil Y, Bozbora A, Dinççağ A, Seven R, Özbey H, Özarmağan S, MercanS: Splenik ototransplantasyonda antibiyotik profilaksisinin immunite üzerine etkisi. Klin Deney Cerrah Derg, 2:32, 1994
- Salman T, Özbey H, Boneval C, Aksöyek S, Çelik A: Multicystic retroperitoneal lymphangioma appearing in an infant as an inguinal mass.Med Bull Istanbul, 26:117, 1993
- Çelik A, Özbey H, Aksöyek S, Salman T: Bronchogenic cyst: A congenital cystic malformation of the lung. Pediatrik Cerrahi Dergisi, 7:10, 1993
- Erbil Y, Özbey H, Dinççağ A, Gürler N, Karayay S, Bozbora A, Seven R:Baryum sülfat solüsyonu ve bakteriyel translokasyon. Klin Deney Cerrah Derg 1: 129, 1993
- Dinççağ A, Erbil Y, Özbey H, Bozbora A, Özarmağan S: Primer anorektalmalign melanom. Taksim Hast. Tıp Bülteni, 23:72, 1993
- Erbil Y, Şerbetçioğlu A, Dinççağ A, Gürler N, Özbey H, Özarmağan S,Mercan S: Total Parenteral Beslenmede Bakteriyel Translokasyon.Çağdaş Cerrahi Dergisi, 7:141, 1993
- Terzioğlu T, Dinççağ A, Özarmağan S, Onaran Y, Tanakol R, Özbey H: Substernal goiter. Med Bull Istanbul, 25:93, 1992
- Erbil Y, Dinççağ A, Şerbetçioğlu A, Bozbora A, Özbey H: İntestinalObstruksiyonlarda Bakteriyel Translokasyon. Kolon Rektum Hast Derg2:127, 1992
- Dinççağ A, Erbil Y, Bozbora A, Özarmağan S, Özbey H: Kronik Apandisitte Cerrahi Endikasyon. Kolon Rektum Hast Derg 2:66, 1992
- Mercan S, Dinççağ A, Erbil Y, Bozbora A, Özbey H, Özarmağan S, AltuğK: Relationship between breast cysts and breast carcinoma. Med Bull Istanbul, 25:81, 1992
- Salman T, Özbey H, Çelik A: Neonatal Hydrocolpos and McKusick Kaufman Syndrome. Med Bull Istanbul, 25:111, 1992.
- Çelik A, Salman T, Özbey H, Aksöyek S, Can G: Neonatal gastrointestinal perforasyon. Pediatrik Cerrahi Dergisi, 5:140, 1991
2010-current not included!
- Özbey H DSD – a Turkish view. ASPU-Asian Society for Pediatric UrologyVIIth Biannual Meeting, 27-29 October 2010, Istanbul-Turkey
- Özbey H The effect of gonadal stimulation on decision-making process in patients with gonadal male DSD. II World Congress on Hypospadias and Disorders of Sex Development ISHID International Meeting 16-17 November 2007, Rome -Italy
- Özbey H Gender assignment in congenital adrenal hyperplasia: a difficult experience. 2nd Symposium on DSD – Disorders of Sex Development August 31 – September 2, 2006 Lübeck – Germany
- Özbey H Gender assignment: clinical problems – Interview analysis. Intersex – One-day Symposium May 1, 2006 Istanbul – Turkey
- Özbey H Interview analysis (Video) World Congress on Hypospadias and Intersex Disorders, 17-19 November 2005, Istanbul – Turkey
- Özbey H. Penile agenesis (aphallia): reconstruction or deconstruction. XVth European Society for Pediatric Urology (ESPU) Regensburg, Germany, 21-24 April 2004
- Devecioğlu D, Özbey H, Darendeliler F, Keleş N, Korkmazlar Ü, Salman T: Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions in children with intersex disorders. XVIth International Symposium of Pediatric Surgical Research, Marseille, October 3-4, 2003(XV European Society for Pediatric Urology (ESPU) Regensburg, Germany, 21-24 April 2004 )
- Özbey H, Darendeliler F, Kayserili H, Ekşi A, Salman T: Genderassignment in female congenital adrenal hyperplasia: a difficult experience. XIVth ESPU Meeting, 12-15 March 2003, Madrid, Spain
- Çelik RA, Özbey H, Bilgiç B, Abbasoğlu S, Salman T: Comparison ofcellular proliferation indices in acid and alkali caustic esophageal injuries with NF-kB activation and Ki-67 expression. XVIth International Symposium of Pediatric Surgical Research, Marseille, October 3-4, 2003
- Okumus M, Salman T, Celik A, Temiz A, Özbey H: Gastrointestinalperforations in newborns:20 years’ experience. 5th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 1-5 October 2002, İstanbul,Turkey
- Schimpl G, Linni K, Uitz C, Feierl G, Pabst MA, Özbey H, Bahadori K, Höllwarth ME: Bacterial translocation in an experimental rat model. 6th Southeast European Symposium of Pediatric Surgery, “Short Bowel Syndrome” May 22-23, 1998, Graz, Austria
- Özbey H, Saka N, Avlan D, Aksöyek S, Darendeliler F, Bundak R, Kayserili H, Baş F, Salman T, Çelik A: Gender assignment in femalecongenital adrenal hyperplasia-what place for controversy? Intersex An International Workshop, 4-6 November 1996, Istanbul
- Özbey H, Boneval C, Aksöyek S, Bavbek B, Alkaç Ü,Salman T, Çelik A: The effect of polycythemic hyperviscosity on ischemic bowel necrosis. 1st European Congress of Pediatric Surgery, May 4-6, 1995, Graz/Austria
- Çelik A, Özbey H, Aksöyek S, Salman T: Bronchogenic cyst: A congenital cystic malformation of the lung. 7 th International Congress of Pediatric Surgery, September 22-25, 1992, Hamburg-Germany
2001-current not included!
- Okumus M, Salman FT, Çelik A, Özbey H: Çocukluk çaginda intestinalpolipler. 9.Pediatri Günleri 28-30 Mart 2001
- Tireli GA, Özbey H, Eryilmaz E, Bilgiç B, Salman T:Opsoklonus- Myoklonus-Ataksi Sendromu ile birlikte görülen nöroblastom: Iki olgu sunusu. XI.Türk Pediatrik Onkoloji Grubu Kongresi, Kusadasi, 26-29 Nisan 2000
- Tireli GA, Özbey H, Kiliçaslan I, Salman T: Kistik Parsiyel Diferansiye Nefroblastom: Olgu Sunusu. XI.Türk Pediatrik Onkoloji Grubu Kongresi, Kusadasi, 26-29 Nisan 2000
- Tireli GA, Özbey H, Eryilmaz E, Anak S, Salman T: Nötropenik Enteropatili Çocuklarda Cerrahi ve Laboratuar Bulgular. XI.Türk Pediatrik Onkoloji Grubu Kongresi, Kusadasi, 26-29 Nisan 2000
- Gün F, Salman T, Özbey H, Abbasoglu L, Çelik A: Yenidogan ve Çocukluk Çagi Alt Gastrointestinal Sistem Kanamalari. 4.Pediatrik Gastroenteroloji ve Beslenme Kongresi, Bursa, 10-13 Mayis 2000
- Özbey H, Ratschek M, Schimpl G, Höllwarth ME: Ovary in hernia sac: prolapsed or a descended gonad? XVI. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, 14-17 Ekim 1998, Belek-Antalya
- SchimplG,PesendorferP,ÖzbeyH,LinniK,FeierlG,PabstMA,KuesA, Höllwarth ME: Impact of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on bacterial translocation in rats in chronic portal hypertension and cholestasis. XVI. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, 14-17 Ekim 1998, Belek-Antalya
- Özbey H, Salman T, Gün F, Boneval C, Aksöyek S, Somer A, Çelik A: Surgical management of empyema in children. XVI. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, 14-17 Ekim 1998, Belek-Antalya
- Uysal D, Zöhrap Ö, Koçyiğit M, Özbey H, Salman T: Cerrahi girişim için hastaneye yatan çocuklardaki duygusal ve davranışsal tepkiler. XVI.Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, 14-17 Ekim 1998, Belek-Antalya
- Boneval C, Aksöyek S, Özbey H, Tokar B, Avlan D, Salman T, Çelik A:Yenidoğan cerrahisinde periferik total parenteral beslenme. Anne ve Bebek Sağlığı Vakfı, Neonatoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 25-26 Nisan, 1996
- Aksöyek S, Boneval C, Kumbasar A, Özbey H, Tokar B, Salman T, Çelik A: Acute appendicitis in children: Is ultrasonography evaluation mandatory? XIVth National Congress of Pediatric Surgery, September 26- 30, 1995, Pamukkale- Denizli
- Aksöyek S, Salman T, Boneval C, Özbey H, Pelin K, Saka N, Çelik A:Intersex olgularımızın değerlendirilmesi. XIII. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, Marmaris, 9-13 Mayıs 1994
2010-current not included!
- Münevveroğlu Ç, Özbey H Transverse testicular ectopia, persistent Mülleran duct, and bilateral duplication of vas deferens. ASPU-Asian Society for Pediatric Urology 27-29 October 2010, Istanbul-Turkey
- Erginel B, Günendi T, Kılıç G, Özbey H Bilateral testicular regression syndrome:report of a 2 year-old boy. ASPU-Asian Society for Pediatric Urology 27-29 October 2010, Istanbul-Turkey
- Münevveroğlu Ç, Özbey H Surgical correction of webbed penis associated with penoscrotal transposition. ASPU-Asian Society for Pediatric Urology 27-29 October 2010, Istanbul-Turkey
- Özbey H Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions in children with intersex disorders. 2nd Symposium on DSD – Disorders of Sex Development August 31 – September 2, 2006 Lübeck – Germany
- Temiz A, Özbey H, Salman T. Danazol etkisi ile gelişen “ambiguous genitalia”. ESPU Educational Committee Satellite Pediatric UrologyCourse & VII Turkish National Pediatric Urology Congress, September 11- 14, 2003 Cappadocia, Turkey
- Temiz A, Kılınçaslan H, Özbey H, Çelik A, Salman T :Çocuklarda akciğerhidatik kistleri. XX. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, Mersin, 15-19 Ekim 2002
- Temiz A, Özbey H, Çelik A, Salman T : Çocukluk çağı akalazya hastalığında tanı ve tedavi. XX. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, Mersin, 15-19 Ekim 2002
- Temiz A, Salman T, Kapran Y, Gürler N, Özbey H, Çelik A. DeneyselNekrotizan Enterokolit Modelinde Stabil Prostasiklin Analoğu Olanİloprost’un Etkisi. XX. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, Mersin, 15-19 Ekim 2002
- ÖzbeyH:Useofasterileadhesivefilmandpolypropylenemeshin construction of a temporary silo in treatment of omphalocele. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Surgery, Vienna, May 30th –June 1st, 2002
- Özbey H, Temiz A: A rare cause of severe constipation: triad of anorectal stenosis, sacral bony abnormality and presacral mass. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Surgery, Vienna, May 30th –June 1st, 2002
- Bahadori K, Özbey H, Höllwarth M: Eine seltene Kombination von Mehrfachfehlbildungen in einer patientin. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Surgery, Vienna, May 30th –June 1st, 2002
- Özbey H: An alternative approach to correcting chordee with severe hypospadias. 12th ESPU Meeting and 3rd ICCS Congress, 26-29 April 2001, Aarhus, Denmark
- Tireli GA, Özbey H, Salman T: Abdominal tuberculosis in children.Joint Meeting of the SIS-E and ESS, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, May 25- 27,2000
- Tireli GA, Özbey H, E Eryılmaz E, Salman T, Anak S: Surgical andlaboratory findings in children with neutropenic enetropathy. Joint Meeting of the SIS-E and ESS, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, May 25-27,2000
- Tireli GA, Özbey H, Işın Kılıçaslan, Salman T: Kistik parsiyel Differansiye Nefroblastom: Olgu Sunusu. XI. Türk Pediatrik Onkoloji Grubu Kongresi,Kuşadası, 26-29 Nisan 2000
- Tireli GA, Özbey H, Eryılmaz E, Bilgiç B, Salman T: Opsoklonus- myoklonus-ataksi sendromu ile birlikte görülen nöroblastom: İki olgusunusu. XI. Türk Pediatrik Onkoloji Grubu Kongresi, Kuşadası, 26-29 Nisan 2000
- Temiz A, Tireli GA, Okumuş M, Özbey H, Çelik A, Salman T: Bronchogenic cyst: a rare congenital cystic malformation of the lung. 1st World Congress of the Pediatric Thoracic Disciplines, Çeşme, 20-22 Nisan 2000
- Özbey H, Temiz K, Salman T: A simple method for measurement of penile length in newborns and infants. ESPU 99 (European Society for Paediatric Urology) 10th Annual Meeting, 15-17 April, 1999, İstanbul “Best poster prize at first place”
- Özbey H, Temiz K, Salman T: A simple method for measurement of penile length in newborns and infants. XVI. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, 14-17 Ekim 1998, Belek-Antalya)
- Kılıçaslan I, Akkaya H, Tireli GA, Özbey H, Uysal V: Multiloküler kistik- polikistik nefroblastom spektrumu. XIV. Ulusal Patoloji Kongresi,Kuşadası, 11-17 Nisan 1999
- Özbey H, Avlan D, Salman T: Çocuklarda abdominal tüberküloz. XVI. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, 14-17 Ekim 1998, Belek-Antalya
- Özbey H, Avlan D, Salman T: Çocuklarda abdominal tüberküloz. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi 14. Kurultayı, İstanbul, 27-31 Mayıs 1998)
- Salman T, Tireli GA, Türkoğlu Ü, Özbey H: Yenidoğanda cerrahi girişim sonrası sepsiste serum nitrit ve nitrat düzeyleri. XVI. Ulusal ÇocukCerrahisi Kongresi, 14-17 Ekim 1998, Belek-Antalya
- Avlan D, Gün F, Boneval C, Özbey H, Aksöyek S, Çelik A, Salman T:Gastrointestinal sistem duplikasyonları. XVI. Ulusal Çocuk CerrahisiKongresi, 14-17 Ekim 1998, Belek-Antalya
- Gün F, Aksöyek S, Boneval C, Özbey H, Salman T: İnvaginasyonunpnömotik reduksiyonunda başvuru süresinin rolü. XVI. Ulusal ÇocukCerrahisi Kongresi, 14-17 Ekim 1998, Belek-Antalya
- Boneval C, Avlan D, Özbey H, Salman T: Yenidoğanda idiopatik mide perforasyonları. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi 14. Kurultayı, İstanbul, 27-31 Mayıs1998
- Özbey H, Mirapoğlu S, Salman T: İleokolik invaginasyon ile ortaya çıkan bir apandiks tüberkülozu. İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi 14. Kurultayı, İstanbul, 27-31 Mayıs 1998
- Özbey H, Schimpl G: Down’s syndrome and Hirschsprung’s disease:more other associations? XV. Annual International Congress of Turkish Association of Pediatric Surgeons, 21-22 July 1997, İstanbul
- Özbey H, Boneval C, Aksöyek S, Salman T, Çelik A: Segmental dilatation of the ileum: A clue for localized growth activity of the bowel? XV. Annual International Congress of Turkish Association of Pediatric Surgeons, 21-22 July 1997, İstanbul
- Özbey H, Avlan D, Boneval C, Aksöyek S, Salman T, Çelik A: Surgical lesions of the ovary in children. The incidence of presenting as acute abdomen is high. XV. Annual International Congress of Turkish Association of Pediatric Surgeons, 21-22 July 1997, İstanbul
- Aydın G, Aksöyek S, Boneval C, Özbey H, Salman T, Çelik A: Anorektal anomalilerin bir formu olarak imperfore anüsle birlikte kolonik poş anomalisi: olgu sunusu. XV. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, İstanbul,21-22 Temmuz 1997
- Boneval C, Özbey H, Solak M, Aydın G, Salman T, Çelik A: Çocukluk çağında nadir akut karın nedenleri. Omentum torsiyonu ve mezenterik lipom. 2. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Kongresi, İstanbul, 30 Eylül-4 Ekim 1997
- Boneval C, Mirapoğlu S, Özbey H, Aksöyek S, Salman T, Çelik A:Çocuklarda yabancı cisim yutulması: 224 olgunun analizi. 2. Ulusal Travma ve Acil Cerrahi Kongresi, İstanbul, 30 Eylül-4 Ekim 1997
- Özbey H, Günöz H, Boneval C, Kılıçaslan I, Salman T, Çelik A: Ambiguityof the external genitalia: aetiologic hints. Intersex An International Workshop, 4-6 November 1996, Istanbul
- Özbey H, Avlan D, Boneval C, Salman T, Çelik A: Pediatrik hastalarda akalazya ve cerrahi tedavisi. 2. Ulusal Pediatrik Gastroenteroloji veBeslenme Kongresi, İstanbul, 9-11 Ekim 1996
- Şahin K, Ünüvar E, Oğuz F, Sıdal M, Nayır A, Özbey H: VATER asosiyasyonu ve ürolityazis-olgu sunusu. XIII. Ulusal Böbrek Hastalıklarıve Transplantasyon Kongresi, İstanbul, 22-26 Ekim 1996
- Boneval C, Aksöyek S, Özbey H, Mirapoğlu S, Gün F, Salman T, Çelik A: Yenidoğan cerrahisinde respiratör tedavisi: İlkeler ve sorunlar. Anne ve Bebek Sağlığı Vakfı, Neonatoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 25-26 Nisan, 1996
- Boneval C, Solak M, Aksöyek S, Özbey H, Salman T, Çelik A: Özofagusatrezisi ile deneyimlerimiz. Anne ve Bebek Sağlığı Vakfı, Neonatoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 25-26 Nisan, 1996
- Boneval C, Mirapoğlu S, Aksöyek S, Özbey H, Tokar B, Salman T, Çelik A: Bochdalek hernisi: Yaşamın ilk 24 saatinde ağır solunum sıkıntısı gelişen olgularda mortalite. Anne ve Bebek Sağlığı Vakfı, Neonatoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 25-26 Nisan, 1996
- Boneval C, Gün F, Aksöyek S, Özbey H, Salman T, Çelik A: Doğumsal karın duvarı defektleri. Anne ve Bebek Sağlığı Vakfı, Neonatoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 25-26 Nisan, 1996
- Özbey H, Boneval C, Çubukcu O, Salman T, Çelik A: Inflammatory pseudotumor in children: Report of two cases with liver and urinary bladder inflammatory pseudotumors. XIVth National Congress of Pediatric Surgery, September 26-30, 1995, Pamukkale-Denizli
- Aksöyek S, Tokar B, Ermiş H, Boneval C, Özbey H, Salman T, Çelik A: Prenatal diagnosis and surgical management of gastrointestinal system obstructions. 5th Marmara Medical Days, September 16-19, 1996,İstanbul
- Tokar B, Aksöyek S, Ermiş H, Boneval C, Özbey H, Salman T, Çelik A: Prenatal diagnosis and management of duodenal atresias. 5th Marmara Medical Days, September 16-19, 1996, İstanbul
- Özbey H, Salman T, Zöhrap Ö, Avlan D, Boneval C, Çelik A: Yenidoğanın cerrahi hastalıklarında ampisilin-sulbaktam ve tobramisinkombinasyonunun etkinliği. 10. Türk Antibiyotik ve Kemoterapi Kongresi (ANKEM), Beldibi, Antalya, 6-9 Haziran, 1995
- Boneval C, Salman T, Köylüoğlu G, Aksöyek S, Özbey H, Koşan S, Çelik A: Kolostomi kapatılması ameliyatı geçiren çocuklarda total barsak temizliğinin yara enfeksiyonu üzerine etkisi. 10. Türk Antibiyotik veKemoterapi Kongresi (ANKEM), Beldibi, Antalya, 6-9 Haziran, 1995
- Boneval C, Avlan D, Aksöyek S, Özbey H, Salman T, Çelik A:Sakrokoksigeal teratom: 10 yıllık deneyimimiz. XIV. Ulusal ÇocukCerrahisi Kongresi, Pamukkale, Denizli, 26-30 Eylül, 1995
- Özbey H, Boneval C, Aksöyek S, Salman T, Çelik A: Wilms’ tumor andassociated malformations. Report of two cases with WAGR and Drash syndrome. 1st European Congress of Pediatric Surgery, May 4-6, 1995, Graz/Austria
- Salman T, Aksöyek S, Özbey H, Çelik A: Pediatrik yaş grubunda intraabdominal enfeksiyonların proflaksisi ve tedavisinde seftriaksonunyeri. 7. Türk Antibiyotik ve Kemoterapi Kongresi (ANKEM), Kuşadası, 31 Mayıs – 5 Haziran, 1992
- Salman T, Özbey H, Boneval C, Aksöyek S, Çelik A: Multicystic retroperitoneal lymphangioma appearing in an infant as an inguinal mass. XIInd National Congress of Pediatric Surgery, October 3-6, 1992,Kuşadası-İzmir
The effect of polycythemic hyperviscosity on ischemic bowel necrosis. İstanbul Medical Faculty, 1994
2010-current not included!
ASPU-Asian Society for Pediatric Urology 27-29 October 2010, IstanbulHüseyin Özbey DSD – a Turkish view.
Chair: Ransley P, Özbey H
Intersex, One-day Symposium (
May 1, 2006 Military Museum and Cultural Center, İstanbul, Turkey Organization: Hüseyin Özbey
Lecture : Gender assignment: clinical problems – Interview analysis
Intersex, One-day Symposium (
May 1, 2006 Military Museum and Cultural Center, İstanbul, Turkey Round table: Moderator: Hüseyin Özbey
View-Counterview : To cut or not to cut! Genital ambiguity versus genital surgery; effects on gender identity, stigma, and sexual functioning
World Congress on Hypospadias and Intersex Disorders
17-19 November 2005, Istanbul – Turkey (Chair)
World Congress on Hypospadias and Intersex Disorders
Problems and perspectives in intersex , Round-table (moderator) 17-19 November 2005, Istanbul – Turkey
Lithuan Surgeon’s Association, June 3, 2005
Neutropenic Enteropathy – Abdominal Tuberculosis (Lecture)
Klaipeda University, Klaipeda – Lithuania
15th International Symposium of Pediatric Surgical Research- 2002 November 29-30, 2002, Graz-Austria (Chair)
Paedopathologische Konferenz
“Thymus tumor”
Karl Franzens University – Graz-Austria, June 28, 2001
Intersex – An International Workshop
November 4-6, 1996, Istanbul – Turkey, (Chair)
2006-current not included!
Hüseyin Özbey (moderator), Aivar Bracka, N Kemal Baran: 11thDecember 1st Hypospadias Day, 2006, Harbiye Askeri Müze ve KültürSitesi, İstanbul
Özbey H (moderator), Tüzün Ü, Yücel B, Ersay A, Akhan S: Cinselgelişim kusurları (İntersex) – Panel, Cinsellik ve Cinsel Tedaviler VI. Ulusal Kongresi, 24-26 Kasım 2006, Ceylan Intercontinental Oteli, İstanbul
Androlojide Yeni Uygulama Alanları ve Teknikler
Sempozyum – 20-22 Nisan 2006, Grand Cevahir Hotel, İstanbulHüseyin Özbey – Cinsiyetin belirlenmesi ve klinik problemler
VIII. Ulusal Çocuk Ürolojisi Kongresi ve Güncelleştirme Kursu
Genital Patolojiler – Seksüel Farklılaşma ve klinik problemler (Seminer)Hüseyin Özbey
1-4 Ekim 2005 Marmaris – İzmir
Pediatride Ağrı ve Tedavisi
Esat Yılgör – Hüseyin Özbey – Şebnem Atıcı
XX. Ulusal Çocuk Cerrahisi Kongresi, Mersin, 15-19 Ekim 2002
Çocuk cerrahisinde acil ürolojik sorunlar.
Özbey H (Mezuniyet sonrası eğitim semineri)
İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi, Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, Mezuniyet Sonrası Eğitim Programı, 2002-2003,
25 Ekim 2002, İstanbul
Münevveroğlu Ç, Özbey H Acil Cerrahi (Emergency Surgery) Çocuklarda gastrointestinal system acilleri, sayfa 747-758 Editörler: C Ertekin, RGüloğlu, K Taviloğlu, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, 2009
Çelik A, Özbey H Çocuklarda ameliyatların psikososyal etkileri, sayfa 379, Kitap: Ben Hasta Değilim-Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıklarının Psikososyal Yönü, Editör Prof Dr Aysel Ekşi, İstanbul, Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, 1999 – 2010
Cinsel Gelişim Kusurları – Hüseyin Özbey, Tübitak Bilim ve TeknikDergisi, Ağustos 2003
Baş ve boyun bölgesi kist, sinüs ve tümörleri. Hüseyin Özbey, KlinikÇocuk Forumu, Pediatrik Cerrahi Özel Sayısı-2, 5:36-38, 2003
“Best poster prize at first place” PRIZE (800 USD)
European Society for Paediatric Urology, 10th Annual Meeting, 15-17 April, 1999,İstanbul (ESPU’99):
Özbey H, Temiz K, Salman T: A simple method for measurement of penile length in newborns and infants.
EH-Project 894/96
Nord-Süd-Dialog Stipendienprogramm
AWARD : 12 months of a scholarship program
Dates: 1.3.1997 – 30.11.1997
Place: Department of Pediatric Surgery, Karl-Franzens University, Graz Medical School, Graz, Austria
- Journal of Pediatric Urology (published by Elsevier)
- Journal of Pediatric Surgery (published by Elsevier for the Section on Surgery of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons, the American Pediatric Surgical Association, Canadian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, and the Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons) (Reviewer)
- Pediatrik Cerrahi Dergisi (Journal of the Turkish Association of Pediatric Surgeons) (Reviewer)
- Ulusal Travma Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery) (Reviewer)
- Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons – (Reviewer)
- Heliyon – Cell Press- Elsevier (Reviewer)
- Frontiers Pediatrics (Reviewer)
- Turkish Journal of Urology (Reviewer)
- Sadhana – Springer (Reviewer)
Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty, ERASMUS/SOCRATES Institutional Coordinator (Founder), (2004-2006)