Hypospadias is a birth defect (congenital condition) in which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis instead of at the tip. The foreskin (prepuce) is missing on the underside and bulky on the top and the penis may curve downward resulting in abnormal penile appearance. Hypospadias may present in three separate ways:
1- The hole through which urine passes -the meatus- is not situated at the tip of the penis. Instead, the meatus may present at the ventral side of the head, along the penis or at the base near the scrotum.
2- Due to incomplete development of the penis, the foreskin tends to gather at the top of the penis. This may either look like a hood or give the false impression of congenital circumcision.
3- Even when fully erect, the penis may still be bent or slightly curved to downwards - which may affect sexual activity.
One in every 150-200 boys born has some form of hypospadias. Hypospadias can be diagnosed early on in life and, and can be corrected surgically. Surgical correction can be undertaken in early childhood (6 months - 2 years of age is the optimum period) by pediatric urologists and/or pediatric surgeons who are experts in the field of hypospadias repair.
The treatment of hypospadias is surgical repair. The aims of the surgery are as follows: to provide voiding with normal velocity, pressure, and flow (wave-like form), to achieve a cosmetically acceptable slit-like meatus and to obtain satisfactory sexual function with a straight penis for the future life. As the foreskin is often used for the reconstruction, it is important your son NOT be circumcised before corrective surgery.
There are many operations described for different types of hypospadias, with varying success rates and complications.
Urethrocutaneous fistula, glans dehiscence, and meatal stenosis are the most common complications encountered in hypospadias surgery.